6 Lumen Road, North Wembley, HA9 7RE

Read before booking Alpha MCT

Now that I have your attention, with the title of this review. I would request that you spend a few minutes reading about my experience before considering to book your training else where. Firstly the disadvantages of Alpha MCT…..they are somewhat more expensive than most training schools. And that’s just about it!! Now the advantages: – Very competent instructors. They have around 100 plus years of riding experience between them. They instill a level of confidence in you that no other riding school does. – Most school only offer to work on your MOD1 and then later charge you extra for MOD2, which is not highlighted to you at the beginning. Alpha give you once price for both exams and do not waste your time. From the very first day I was told I would be trained towards my MOD2 as that gives the rider confidence of handling a bigger bike. And then you work on the elements of MOD1 as you progress through the training.

I choose the 4 day training package and exam on a day 3 (mod 1) and last exam on Day 4 (mod 2). Both day 3 and Day 4 also carried training as the exams were booked for the afternoon times. Alpha don’t do super early exam slots as they want to offer the maximum training to you that is available …. after all you are paying for it!! – Does the above approach help? Yes it does. At the test centre there were many other students that were passing their mod1 with minor errors or not passing at all. However both myself and another student passed with ZERO minors on our first go. This is simply down to the training that was given to us. – I booked my CBT, Mod1 and Mod2 training from these guys. Everything took just around the two week mark, however you need to factor in the dates for the tests as there can be longer wait times during warmer months.

I have experienced another riding school, and frankly I would rate Alpha as one of the best. Their instructors are experienced (as mentioned above), polite, friendly and very professional. – I remember loosing balance and dropping the bike….twice! Each time my instructor came rushing over to help, he reassured me, and at no point did he reprimand me. I genuinely thought I would get into trouble. However the feedback I received was quite the opposite and very reassuring.

The quality of gear they offer, gloves, jacket and helmet look practically new and are in great condition. Personally I would urge you to invest in your own, as you are going to be using these once you start riding…so why not start early. If you are driving to Alpha MCT’s centre, then there is parking available (it’s free, provided you park in the bay) although it’s limited spaces. Finally, if you are considering a training school then please don’t go for the cheapest option. As that is a trick to lure you in. Go for the one that gives you confidence (Alpha MCT).