6 Lumen Road, North Wembley, HA9 7RE

A Step-by-Step Guide to getting a UK Motorcycle License

Thinking of getting your motorcycle license?
Whether you are a relatively seasoned rider or new to motorcycle riding, you will need to know the complexities attached to obtaining a motorcycle license to ensure you are adhering to all legalities, rules, regulations and safety necessities.

From the correct gear and license to selecting the right bike and training programme, we have created a step-by-step guide to make getting your UK Motorcycle license simpler, clearer and uncomplicated.

The Bike
Ascertain the bike that you will be riding/required to ride.

For those of you over 24 years old, you are eligible for a full motorcycle license without the requirement of having held a license for a smaller bike beforehand.

If this applies to you, there are no restrictions on the engine size and power output you choose; on completion of passing your test, you will be allowed to ride any roadworthy motorbike with or without a passenger on all roads in the UK, including motorways.

For those under 24 years old, you are eligible for a progressive or restricted license. This means you must have completed and held an A2 license for at least 2 years before you can go for a full license. There are also restrictions on engine size and power output. It is important to be comfortable with the bike choice you make, even if you are unrestricted; take your time to consider what is right for you.


Appropriate and professional training is the key. The risks are high when riding a motorbike, therefore it is really important to feel confident. Getting meticulous training from expert instructors is by far the best way to ensure you gain the necessary skills, and you learn everything to feel comfortable and confident handling your bike.

Theory & Hazard Perception

The theory and hazard perception test are the best ways to inform, direct and ensure that learners know the risks which may occur on the road, and how to prepare for the unexpected situations. Understanding the rules is imperative to road safety. The test involves 14 multiple-choice questions using video clips to demonstrate and actualise each circumstance. The clips will feature everyday road scenes and at least one upcoming hazard.

The Final Test

Before you can take the Full Motorcycle License Test you must first pass the above theoretical and hazard perception examinations. Once this is completed you will be eligible to make this final stage test, split into 2 modules.

Module 1

The off-road test consists of completing a range of manoeuvres and marked courses. You will also be asked to prove you can handle the weight of your bike, the manner of the bike, balance, U-turns, emergency stops, speed and any other basic skills that demonstrate your skills and experience.

Once you have passed module 1, you can move on to the final part…

Module 2

This is where your skills are tested on-road with traffic. Hill starts, pulling out and other on-road manoeuvres will be tested in-situ. The instructor will provide instructions to you via an earpiece and will be examining your independent riding as well as instructed moves.

Once this section is completed you will be taken back to the test centre to determine whether you have passed or failed.

For more information and advice on the right bike, testing requirements or eligibility, contact us today.